So I got tagged for a thingy on here so here goes..
You are supposed to got to your pics and got to the 6th folder 6th pic and write about it..
This photo was taken, I think last summer sometime. It was the kids first time on that train system. They have been to Strasburg RR. But this was the first trip on the other one. They had a blast of course. We packed a lunch and drinks and went to Philly to meet a friend of mine. Which that was the hard part. I can not navigate around Philly to save my life. I was lost lost lost. It was hot I was getting pissed and then finally I made it to where I was going. Why is it that people think just cause you are from the area that you know Phila so well. Well let me tell ya they are so wrong. Anyway side bar sorry about that. My kids were sorta good on the train. They were asking 9 million questions like most kids. I was overall a hot but good day. It ended up being really late on the way home cause we missed the train so we had to take the last train and Ethan cried almost the whole way cause he was sooooo tired. But we had fun and thats what is important. We don't do it for ourselves we do it for our kids.
Anyway I know that you are supposed to tag people on here for this but I don't really know anyone on here so I will have to go with Cory on that one.. Sorry this was cute though..
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