Monday, March 22, 2010

things coming together

so my plan has taken form so far. i got a part time job, doing the same thing as i was doing (cna) and hoping that it will work out for the time being. now that the job thing is taken care of...i just need to work on the rest of the!

so i was thinking of how great it was to be reconnecting with friends after some time of i guess taking a break. it is kinda a breath of fresh air to get to be able to change and come into your own and heal and do the things in life that you need to do and still be able to connect like the days had stopped in between the last time you had spoke to one and other. this past yr i had to do some healing of myself and growing into my own. while doing that i picked up some new people in my life that have been there but werent as close as now. i am highly enjoying there presence in my life. i often wonder how we did not become closer before this time. i do believe that god puts people in our lives and takes them out for a reason. i think that a particular group that we were involved with had sorta took some time off was because we all had things that we needed to change in a way that we kinda needed the space to do so. but i am thinking that in ways unknown to me that we are kinda on a track back to being what we were to start with. i loved the way it was when we first met :) i know that things are different for us all which is great cause we all have something new to bring to the table! i feel like the others that i have bonded with along the way this last yr was what made it easier for me to get through the rough spots that my life had run up on. for them i am sooo grateful for their friendships. it is kinda funny hwo things work out sometimes, but sorta cool at the same time.

so in all this blah blah blah, i have started something new in my life....i am reading now. i was really never a reader by choice. i have never read a whole book in my young adult and adult life. pretty sad i know it. i made a bad choice somewhere along the way, which is strange because my mom is such an avid reader. so one of my favorite people that i earlier talked about had helped push me a bit to read. good thing that she knows me so well cause she started me off with twilight which was intimidating cause if the length of it. i thought oh no this is gonna take me a yr to! but so far 1wk in and i am more then half way through it. so i am stoked to finally be able to celebrate that i have finally read a whole book....

well for now i am leaving.....

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